Headline Post
‘Scapegoated’ landlords could face 100% tax rate – IEA
Landlords are being unfairly blamed for the housing crisis, argues influential think tank, as it calls for a roll-back on recently-passed tax measures
Farrell’s Drum House snares a buyer
'Modernist classic' in Richmond hit the market at £7.5m late last year
Friday Showcase: Ten featured prime resi listings
A weekly stock check, powered by LonRes
How to incorporate sculpture into a small city garden
Savills has once again teamed up with renowned artist David Harber to create a garden at the Chelsea Flower Show.
Picks of the Bunch: Six must-see Chelsea Flower Show gardens
PrimeResi's picks of the bunch at this year's Chelsea Flower Show, which takes place from the 21st to the 25th May.
Trophy homes: how the super-wealthy struggle to value their properties
Judith Evans reports for the FT on the 'global currency' of luxury homes
Blockchain-powered platform looks to change the game for real estate freelancers
Developed alongside firms including Foster + Partners, Nodal Labs has already inked a £250m deal with a construction recruiter and signed up over 20,000 freelancers
French government opens up historic property sales data
Researching the market on the other side of the Channel just got a whole lot easier
Garrington moves into Scotland
Buying agency opens an outpost in the Scottish capital
Chestertons rolls out franchise offering
Long-established agency will allow businesses outside of London to operate under its brand for the first time, as some ambitious expansion plans take shape...
Planning win for Dyson in Gloucestershire
Council backs proposals for five new dwellings at the billionaire inventor's glorious country seat
Book Now: A PrimeResi & Integrated Home Podcast Live Event
Exclusive Member Invitation: Join an expert panel of prime resi specialists as they discuss clever thinking on smart technology at the Dolby Screening Room on Soho Square later this month