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Letting agency flags rising cost of void periods
Landlords in some regions have seen the average cost of void periods jump by 65% in the last year.
‘Monaco’s property market is undergoing a dramatic divergence’ – Knight Frank
New-build prices are reaching 'new heights' in the super-prime principality, while the residential resale market is 'sluggish'.
Agency seals string of big-ticket deals in SW London
Resale records fall in Barnes & Wimbledon as a new generation of wealthy buyers seeks out London village living.
Creative agency’s double acquisition promises to ‘reimagine digital experiences & entertainment in luxury’
Together Group has acquired 'digital twin' specialists Visualisation One & IMERZA.
Expanding estate agency signs Olympian brand ambassador
Champion cyclist Victoria Pendleton has agreed to help eXp UK with marketing and training agents to have a 'winning mentality'.
Fine & Country adds Cambridge outpost
Husband-and-wife team Lee & Jane Taylor have bought into the upper-end estate agency franchise.
Why don’t lower volumes mean faster property transactions?
The average time from conveyancer instruction to completion is now a 'staggering' 88% longer than in 2007, new analysis finds.
Lichfields names five new Planning Directors
A batch of senior-level promotions across the planning consultancy's offices.
Historic Cotswolds ‘masterpiece’ now seeking £13.5mn
Previously asking £20mn, the Grade II* listed Edgeworth Manor near Stroud is one of the Cotswolds' finest.
The Building Safety Act & Luxury Property Development: What we’ve learned so far
It's been over a year since the Building Safety Act came into force, bringing sweeping changes for the construction sector.
Number of property millionaires jumps by more than a third in five years
One in every 42 homes in Great Britain is now worth more than £1mn, suggests Savills - rising to one in 11 in London.
Property sector bucks national trend as business start-ups rise
ONS data paint a 'sobering picture of the UK business environment,' says Cynergy Bank, but the real estate sector seems to be out-performing the national trend.