
Informed, opinionated & entertaining.

PrimeResi’s contributors include some of the most respected & successful operators in today’s luxury property sector.

Eleanor Grindley,

Solicitor, SA Law

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Jonathan Michie,

Professor of Innovation & Knowledge Exchange, University of Oxford

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Rachel Redwood,

Residential Property Lawyer, Kingsley Napley

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Stacy Welch,

Partner, Solvilla

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Professor Yolande Barnes,

Researcher, commentator & consultant,

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George Barkes,

Regional Director, Stacks Property Search

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Annabel Dean,

Partner, Farrer & Co

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David Knapp,

Partner, Head of Residential Property, Hart Brown

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Filip Sejvl,

Founder and CEO of Philip & Frank, Leading Real Estate Companies of the World

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Humphrey Southall,

Professor of Historical Geography, University of Portsmouth

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Jeff Doble,

Founder & Chairman , Dexters

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Karim Bazzi,

Founder, Homes One

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