
Informed, opinionated & entertaining.

PrimeResi’s contributors include some of the most respected & successful operators in today’s luxury property sector.

Antony Smith,

Partner and Chairman, Beale & Co

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Chris Druce,

Senior Research Analyst , Knight Frank

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Dominic Cunningham,

Managing Partner, Cunningham & Partners

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Fuschia Sirois,

Reader in Social & Health Psychology, University of Sheffield

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James Boyce,

Sales Director, Ballymore

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Jess Rice,
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Kat Martindale & Vinita Dhume,

Head of ESG; Director, Urban Design, Savills

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Mark Gleghorn,

Managing Partner, DBOX

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Peter Sheppard,

Managing Director, Hintel

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Ronnie Myers,

Senior Associate, Burges Salmon

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Stacy Welch,

Partner, Solvilla

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Professor Yolande Barnes,

Researcher, commentator & consultant,

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