
Informed, opinionated & entertaining.

PrimeResi’s contributors include some of the most respected & successful operators in today’s luxury property sector.

Ciaran Hagan,

Senior Planner, Savills

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Joe Hobson,

Associate, Fladgate

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Kieran Fano,

Senior Associate, Goodman Derrick

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Dr Mathias Disney,

Reader in Remote Sensing, UCL,

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Pierre Victoria,
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Simon Vernon-Harcourt,

Head of Design, City & Country

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Vanessa Rhodes,
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Daniel Whebell,

Associate, Fladgate

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Carly Clayton,
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Daniel Evelyn,

Managing Director & Head of Sales at Chestertons Barbados, Chestertons

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Janet Armstrong-Fox,

Partner & Head of Private Client Property, Collyer Bristow

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