
Informed, opinionated & entertaining.

PrimeResi’s contributors include some of the most respected & successful operators in today’s luxury property sector.

Ed Green,

Director of Sustainability, Grosvenor

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Gemma Mallett,
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James Fenwick,

Structured Finance Analyst,

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Joanna Lewis,

Partner, Beale & Co

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Keir Waddell,

Director, Head of London New Homes Sales , Strutt & Parker

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Mark Wells,

Founder & CEO, Invisible Homes

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Prof Nick Gallent,

Professor of Housing & Planning, The Bartlett School of Planning,

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Philip Eddell,

Director, London & Country House Consultancy, Savills

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Rosa Salzberg,

Associate Professor of Italian Renaissance History, University of Warwick

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Simon Robinson,

Director, MSMR

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Tom Stanley,

Partner, Residential Development, Knight Frank

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Andrew Batt,

Contributor, PrimeResi

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