
"Good Growth by Design" programme launched to create "a legacy of world-class buildings, outstanding public realm and large-scale regeneration for Londoners of the future"

Academic calls for a radical change in property taxation, including Capital Gains Tax on all property transactions, stepped Council Tax, and no Stamp Duty for retired people

London Mayor blasts 'shameful' decision...

"Stringent and targeted checks" into finances and ownership are now required by law

One of central London's biggest regeneration schemes...

3,553 formal complaints resolved by TPO in 2016, up 7.5% on 2015

The Legal Sector Group publishes a suite of proposals to patch up, speed up and generally improve the UK's leasehold landscape

Draft Tenants' Fees Bill likely to be published later this year

Southwark gets tough on short-term rentals...

Internal documents reveal extent of Charing Cross proposals

Labour leader argues that high-end empty homes in London should be requisitioned by the government to help the displaced of Grenfell Tower

The election result may have delivered yet more unwelcome uncertainty, but the prospect of a 'Soft Brexit' could be good news for both the economy and the housing market, says Charles Curran...