
New "Right to Contest" powers have officially come into force today, allowing the public to contest the use of central government land and property and apply for its release.

After wrestling the title of Britain's most expensive seaside resort from Sandbanks last year, Salcombe in South Devon could soon be adding another feather to its guano-covered cap

A bevy of big league resi developers have signed up to a new "voluntary commitment" that could affect the way new schemes are marketed from next year

Despite pretty universal forecasting that the regions are now playing catch-up with London's runaway property values, "The Great House Price Divide" is bigger than ever and threatens the stability of the…

The latest batch of measures to speed-up planning procedures and promote "sensible development" has been announced by the government

In case you were at lunch or something, the much-predicted imposition of Capital Gains Tax on foreign individuals buying in the UK has just been announced by the Chancellor in his latest Autumn Statement

Trevor Abrahmsohn is surprised to find himself agreeing with Tessa Jowell..

Tijen Ahmet gives us a brief overview of the new legislation and explains what it could all mean for the lettings sector..

If we keep trying to raise yet more taxes against foreign owners, there will come a point at which the capital loses its lustre, says James Bailey...

Will the premature curtailment of the Funding for Lending Scheme put pressure on the Banks and Building Societies to push up mortgage rates? Any increases will have more to do with commercial opportunism…

Knight Frank is advising property owners concerned about the implications of yesterday's HS2 Environmental Statement not to panic