
Believe it or not, it's been two whole years since the stamp duty levied on properties over £2m was ramped up to the eye-watering 7% mark.

A controversial proposal to introduce a limit on overseas property sales was unceremoniously shot down in the House of Lords last week

The first hearings at the UK's new specialist 'Planning Court' are getting underway today

From 6th April, homeowners who move out before sale may face an unexpected tax bill, explains Jenny Wilson-Smith... Quick Sail? Consequences of this change won't be limited to second home-owners though...

It's been exactly a year since Culture Minister Ed Vaizey asked Sir Terry Farrell CBE to lead an unprecedented, industry-wide review of architecture and the built environment.

"There are too many levies and charges on housing," said Eric Pickles as he outlined the Government's plans to get rid of Section 106 affordable housing payments for developments of fewer than ten resi…

"The countryside surrounding towns and villages across England is under siege" as local councils are forced to accept major developments against their will, warns a new report from the Campaign to Protect…

Estate agents are likely to become the guardians of people’s pension pots, says Ed Mead. S

Localism - a cornerstone of the Government's planning reformation - is big in the affluent South, but lacks traction in the rest of the country according to research by Turley

Mischon de Reya's learned tax team examines the real estate-related fallout from Osbo's Big Day... It's fair to say George Osborne's penultimate Budget of the current term was much as expected.

Yes there has been a boost in enquiries from Russia and Ukraine lately, but nothing like the increase in the number of British buyers, says Edo Mapelli Mozzi...

Chancellor George has extended the 15% SDLT rate for residential property bought through a corporate envelope from £2m all the way to £500,000, in a move that looks to be aimed squarely at cutting the nu…