
In an effort to make self-built "grand designs" more mainstream, the government has decided to exempt home-made new buildings over a certain size from the Community Infrastructure Levy.

HNWs are turning to renewable energy systems as a way of powering their country estates and their public profiles, says Oliver Crofton...

Keep meddling with the property taxation system and you'll put the kibosh on the housing recovery, a new report commissioned by the Berkeley Group warns the government

Eric Pickles has come down hard on "rogue landlords", publishing the first draft of the Tenants' Charter and launching a package of proposals designed to give more rights to private tenants

Activity levels across London's prime and super-prime residential markets are plummeting, says Trevor Abrahmsohn...

Westminster is the latest London council to wage war on mega-basements, which can reach "the depths of a nuclear submarine", according to Deputy Leader Robert Davis.

In an effort to thwart tax avoidance, HMRC is demanding that all schemes designed to get around the Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED) be disclosed to them - or face a fine of up to £1 million.

No matter which way you look at it, Help to Buy can only be positive, says Rupert Collingwood..

Kris Hopkins' first job should be to rid the planning system of political influences, says Trevor Abrahmsohn...

The government should be addressing why housing is so expensive in the first place, rather than finding a way to fund it, says Camilla Dell..

It's now a bit easier to build on village greens, thanks to new landowner rights that came in yesterday (1st October 2013)

The Office of Fair Trading has revised its definition of what it is to be an estate agent