Javid confirms Budget date
'Housing market put on hold' as Chancellor schedules in 'the first budget after leaving the EU' for 6th November
The new Tory administration has finally left the circus and wants to join the housing revolution
At last, concerns over the parlous state of the UK housing market appear to be reaching receptive ears, says Trevor Abrahmsohn
London’s property market moves ‘out of bubble risk territory’ for the first time in four years
Residential properties in Eurozone cities including Munich, Paris and Frankfurt are looking very over-valued, according to the latest UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index - although analysts warn investors…
Global UHNW wealth falls for the first time in three years
There's been "muted" growth in the number of Ultra-High Net Worth Individuals over the last year, reports Wealth-X - but London has seen a bigger rise than any other top ten UHNW city
UK’s largest cities see ‘widespread exodus’ as affordability hits home
12 of the UK's 15 largest cities saw a net outflow of residents last year, according to data sourced from the ONS, as residents up sticks in favour of market towns and 'affluent amenity-rich communities'…
Is now the right time to buy in London?
There's been "no crash, no fire sales and no mass exodus from London", despite three years of catastrophising by "so-called 'experts'", writes Islay Robinson, CEO of global mortgage firm Enness.
‘Land & property are under-taxed’: Influential think tank calls for ‘fundamental’ economic reforms
"Fundamental reform has happened twice before in the last century following periods of crisis," says the IPPR in a major new report "– with the Attlee government’s Keynesian reforms in the 1940s and…
KPMG warns of no-deal Brexit house price plunge
Property prices could crash by as much as a fifth if Boris Johnson pursues a no-deal Brexit, says accountancy giant;
FT: Global cities begin to shrink as inner areas empty out
Judith Evans reports for the Financial Times on the factors driving a significant outflow of residents from the centres of Paris and New York City
Five-year fixed rate mortgage costs fall as borrowing becomes cheaper around the world
“We have often thought that rates can’t go any lower, but here we are again,” says David Hall of Knight Frank Finance
A recession is nigh, warns Cluttons; Britain’s property industry needs to take note
The UK is likely to see another recession imminently, warns Jamie McCombe, head of Cluttons Investment Management. Investors need to be ready...
‘The cost of owning a home is still favourable compared to renting and is likely to stay that way’
Capital Economics assesses the comparative advantage of buying a home over renting