
Zurich and Geneva are the priciest cities on the planet, but LA residents have the most 'purchasing power', according to this year's UBS Global Cities Rankings

What is missing in the Moscow’s Gold report is a broader understanding of why Russian (and non-Russian money for that matter) flows into London and the UK in the first place...

A new series of articles aims to track "London's housing market as it runs out of steam after almost a decade of growth"

London 'is set to lose significant portions of its most economically productive demographic', warns Grant Thornton LLP

Three months after council launches innovative 'community contribution' scheme, new figures reveal that only 2% of high-end homeowners have actually put their hands in their pockets...

The UK's property industry has the depth of talent to turn decades of underinvestment and policy neglect around, but only if given the power to do so, says Alexander Lewis...

41,624 property business are struggling, warns a top corporate recovery firm, as the UK's real estate sector is hit particularly hard by economic headwinds

Savills tots up and presents the total residential property wealth of the nation in infographic form, charting price inflation, house-building numbers, regional variances and more...

Knight Frank tracks prime property price movements in key global cities since the Global Financial Crisis, a decade ago.

Chancellor reiterates a "commitment to tackle the challenges in our housing market"

Historian Niall Ferguson talks to Knight Frank about the issues facing the world and its wealth creators