
SDLT was brought in to cool the market, but this one size-fits-all approach has neither worked for the London market nor the Treasury, says LonRes Chairman William Carrington

The Treasury's Stamp Duty tax take fell dramatically from Q4 2018 to Q1 2019, reports LCP, as Brexit amplified the seasonal transaction dip

EY's Spring ITEM Club predicts muted property price growth ahead, with a 'limited' upside even if a Brexit deal is agreed. A no deal exit could see house prices fall by 5% in 2020

Latest statistics from HMRC confirm a massive fall from £12.9bn in 2017/18 to £11.9bn in 2018/19, the biggest decline seen since the financial crisis

Twenty Ci reports a 66% year-on-year jump in £5m+ property transactions, while the overall number of new instructions has dwindled and property prices have fallen in most regions

CBRE compares how the tax treatment of property differs by country, but which is the most favourable for buyers?

'Unprecedented' tightening of insurance market conditions could end up forcing some firms out of business, warns Mactavish

Bank of England could set targets for property price inflation, says Shadow Housing Minister John Healey, managing the market through tougher lending restrictions.

The International Monetary Fund's House Prices at Risk tool is designed to flag property markets at risk of significant price drops at least a year before the market turns

Professors Colin Jones and Abdulkader Mostafa of Heriot-Watt University and Edinburgh Business School have explored the bottom-line implications of buying a home rather than renting.

Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea provided nearly three-quarters (73%) of all receipts from the Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings in 2017-18

Demand is building in prime regional and prime London markets, says Savills, but prices continue to fall as uncertainty 'dictates the pace'