
Latest government data shows a 13% fall in the number of individuals claiming non-domiciled taxpayer status in the UK, with top advisors citing Corbyn and Brexit as key factors...

According to buying agency Ludgrove's workings, a 36% reduction in Stamp Duty rates across the board would likely lead to 40% additional transactions in England per annum, in turn generating an extra £1.

Successive parliaments have fiddled with stamp duty 14 times since 1995, but the right balance is yet to be struck, writes LonRes Chairman William Carrington

Britain's construction industry "will lose access to the lifeblood of its workforce" as a result of leaving the EU, warns Bloomberg journalist Olivia Konotey

Stamp Duty generated 6% less for the Government's coffers in Q2 2019 than in Q2 2018, largely as a result of a 12% fall in £1m+ transactions...

UK house prices are likely to rise by a 'sluggish' 1% this year, predicts consultancy firm PwC, 'implying a 1% decline in real terms'

Government's independent forecasting body suggests prices and transactions could tumble in the event of a no-deal departure on 31st October...

Britain's recession-risk has reached a ten-year high, warns The Resolution Foundation; levels last seen in 2007, just before the global financial crash...

Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Norway, Sweden and the UK are all 'vulnerable economies to a correction in house prices', warns Bloomberg

The world's wealthiest individuals lost 3% of their combined net worth in 2018; Britain's HNW set lost 6%

'The difference in the cost of the top 1% of homes by region just might come as a surprise,' says Savills' research chief Lucian Cook

Signs of a global house price downturn are already visible, warns Oxford Economics