Business & People

Former London Central Portfolio MD joins Real Estate Management UK

Professor Andrew Baum is assembling a team to 'predict the changes faced by the property industry over the next decade'

Exchanges up 11% in Q1, according to consumer intelligence firm...

Two major investors from Denmark are making significant plays in London's property investment scene

'All estate agents should welcome the new Government measures to professionalise the estate agency industry'

Sajid Javid announces a plan to introduce mandatory qualifications for estate agents, bringing the profession in line with conveyancers, solicitors and surveyors

BPSDC CEO Rob Tincknell resigns after ten years at the helm of London's most ambitious regeneration project

Steve Medway has spent the last three years overseeing the management of Oxford Street, Regent Street and Bond Street for the New West End Company

London's most recognised estate agency (officially) dismisses the threat of discount online/hybrid competitors

'Mobile augmented reality' mobile app allows potential buyers to visualise / play with different interior design set-ups

Across the real estate sector, women’s median hourly rate is 9.7% lower than men’s

Hong Kong-listed developer acquires Ailsa Wharf in East London