Standards Practice: Navigating the complex world of green building certifications
As the new UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard joins the likes of BREEAM, LEED, WELL & Green Star, Tasos Stavrou of LeadingRE unpicks the tangled but increasingly-important world of eco-conscious construction…
‘Ambitious but achievable’ new industry standard allows buildings ‘to prove they are net zero carbon’
Championed by leading organisations, the new UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard aims to 'level the playing field' on sustainability in the built environment.
Government confirms EPC rules for rental properties by 2030
'There must be sufficient financial and practical support to help landlords meet the legislation', says Propertymark after requesting more 'clarity' on Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards.
Landlords face an ‘uphill battle’ to meet the government’s 2030 EPC target
Labour's plan to require all rental homes to achieve an EPC A-C rating by 2030 'is achievable at a stretch,' says Hamptons, but 'landlords need adequate time and resources to meet it.'
Homes with decent EPC ratings sell closer to initial asking price
Analysis by TwentyCi comes as the government confirms landlords will be required to improve their properties to Energy Performance Certificate standard C by 2030.
Crown Estate sustainability chief to helm UKGBC
Judith Everett has taken over from Perkins&Will boss Sunand Prasad as Chair of the UK Green Building Council's board.
Experts warn of ‘reset moment’ as London homes face climate change catastrophe
'Cascading risks' loom for the capital, as escalating extreme weather events mean 'around 43% of London properties are likely to be affected by subsidence by 2030.'
In Pictures: €700mn Portuguese prime resi scheme promises ‘a revolution in sustainable living’
Savills QP says Arcaya is 'unparalleled in its approach to sustainability' and 'one of the most exciting new developments to come to the Algarve.'
It’s complicated: Grosvenor’s sustainability director on EPCs & listed buildings
Sorting out ambiguities in the EPC system is an example of what the industry means when it calls for certainty from government, writes Ed Green.
Tower Power: Architects turn skyscrapers into batteries
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill has partnered with Energy Vault Holdings to 'explore how the architecture of renewable energy can enhance our shared natural landscapes and urban environments.'
Watchdog flags ‘risks’ in new Biodiversity Net Gain rules
The 'novel and complex' government scheme to promote nature within property developments was launched 'without having all elements in place to ensure its long-term success', warns the National Audit Office.
Consumer body Which? calls for substantial EPC reform
'Too many EPCs do not provide an accurate assessment of the energy efficiency of a home.'