Countryside house prices outpace coastal hotspots
"Buyers who are being priced out of the seaside are diverting their search to nearby countryside spots," suggests eXp UK.
Property sector is on the cusp of a ‘technological revolution’; here’s how to drive it forward
"There is a technological revolution underway in the property industry, with data enabled opportunities to change further and faster," says the Geospatial Commission, as it outlines practical tech-led…
Global wealth has fallen – but is set to rise by 38% over the next five years
World wealth and millionaire numbers declined last year, but economists expect growth to return soon.
Tenant Trends 2023: Households are ‘prioritising the neighbourhoods over the home’
"There is less emphasis being placed on the home itself and more on what the local area can provide," says JLL after surveying private renters across London and the UK.
400,000 UK rental homes ‘lost’ since 2016
CBRE estimates that landlords have sold 126,500 rental properties since 2022, as mortgage rates and other costs have escalated.
Celebrity estate agency ranks London’s most popular luxury property ‘necessities’
"We have seen a significant shift in what people want when it comes to luxury homes in the Capital," says RIB boss, as a survey of Prime Central London property buyers and sellers yields some surprising…
Ranked: The world’s top 60 second-home hotspots
One location is 'the clear leader' for second-home owners, says Savills after scouring the world for the best places to own a luxury holiday property.
Mortgage sales have slumped 42% so far this year
New analysis shows London and the South East have seen the biggest declines in mortgaged transactions.
Shore Thing: A deep-dive into prime waterfront property markets
Demand for waterfront homes remains buoyant in the UK and overseas, reports Knight Frank, with new analysis revealing average price premiums in these exclusive locations, alongside some of the key trends…
FOI request reveals £84.2bn-worth of overseas-owned homes across England & Wales
Benham & Reeves has identified which areas have the most homes registered to an overseas correspondence address.
Ranked: Asia Pacific’s top branded residence hotpots
Phuket and Bangkok are leading the way for branded residential property development in the APAC region, says Savills.
Ranked: The new ‘must-haves’ for house-hunters
A survey by Jackson-Stops reveals what home-buyers are prioritising - including energy-saving measures, proximity to a public park, and having a downstairs loo.