On getting the country moving again
The housing market swung back into action this month, but how can clients stay safe while moving home? Master remover Anthony Ward Thomas has the answers...

It’s hard to believe that almost thirty years have gone by since Anthony began his adventure with just a van and a whole lot of determination. He founded the company after being unable to find a remover who could do a good job. His high standards and devotion to service have enabled Anthony Ward Thomas to go from strength to strength and Anthony never settles for anything less than perfection. Our main man has always done things his own way and doesn’t even own a suit. He’s a keen jockey and fitness-fanatic – He just completed the 1000km Mongol Derby in Mongolia and you’ll often see him cycling round London on his way to see customers (which is far more dangerous). Anthony is the proud father of six children, Catherine, Lizzy, Tom, Francis, Tildy and Eida who was born last year.