Location: Midlands

Although the phrase "international conference" can strike fear into anyone's heart, we have to admit last week's Fine & Country shindig looked pretty impressive.

It's full steam ahead for HS2 after the Court of Appeal yesterday (24th July) categorically rejected the latest batch of objections to the high speed rail link.

The construction industry is the most positive its been for six years, with new projects beginning to rise in almost every part of the country, according to the latest RICS Construction Market Survey,…

The total value of British homes now stands at £6.2 trillion, after rising by £156 billion over the last three months, according to Zoopla. That's an average gain of £1.7bn per day.

Owners of property along the the planned HS2 route between London and the West Midlands can, as of yesterday (9th July), ask the government to buy their property under statutory Blight procedures.

Public support for the HS2 rail link has slipped into negative territory, according to a new survey from YouGov.

Nick Boles, the Planning Minister, has made a pretty impassioned plea to a tough crowd, begging the Campaign to Protect Rural England to give him - and some of his policies on housing - a break.

One major credit reference agency reckons there's been a deluge of properties worth over £500k hitting the market this year. Data from from information leviathan Experian points to a whopping 19.

A couple of days ahead of the first official quarterly stats on the Government’s Green Deal scheme, and it's already being touted as a triumph... At least amongst those who've had an assessment done.

Ed Miliband is calling for new compulsory purchase powers that would give local councils the right to forcibly buy back land with planning permission that property developers are sitting on.

The National Grid has erected a rather chic (relatively speaking) prototype of the next generation of electricity pylon, designed by Danish architecture firm Bystrup.

As the planning application for Upton Cressett's wind farm breezes in, William Cash is more than a bit riled that the government's push for "local democracy" is nothing more than hot air amongst Shropshire's…