Location: London
Ranked: The UK’s ‘cash buyer hotspots’
Cash buyers have accounted for 27% of sales recorded in the UK this year, according to new research, but the proportion in some areas has reached over half.
‘London’s overall influence on the prime market has dropped’, says Rightmove, as Scotland becomes Britain’s fastest-moving £1m+ property market
London now accounts for 40.5% of all seven-figure transactions in the UK, down from 47% before the pandemic.
Knightsbridge townhouse with potential pitched at £11m
Grade II listed six-bed on the corner of Ovington Square and Walton Street has permission to add significant square footage and a roof terrace.
HBA Residential hires top 1508 director; confirms raft of super-prime project wins
The London-based arm of global design firm Hirsch Bedner Associates has recruited William Evans as Director of Europe, and secured a string of prestigious projects - including a revamp of the 'UK's most…
Northacre, Oliver Burns & Walpole team up for British luxury craft showcase
"House of Walpole" at No.
PCL has ‘turned into a landlord’s market in recent weeks’, as tenant demand surges by 73%
A top estate agency has reported the highest number of new prospective tenant registrations in five years - topping previous records set in June and July this year.
Heatmapped: ‘Staggering’ regional price growth slackens off
Some of the heat has come out of the UK's regional markets in the wake of June's stamp duty deadline, but prices 'remain resilient in the round', reports Acadata.
Weekly Showcase: Ten featured prime resi listings
PrimeResi’s regular stock check, powered by LonRes
London landlords ‘in the driving seat’ as rental supply plunges 58%
Chestertons has seen tenant demand soar by 55% over the last year, while the number of properties available to rent has plunged by 58%.
Regional town & city markets shine as buyers seek out ‘best of both worlds’
The race for space is evolving - but where are buyers choosing now, and what are they getting for their money?
Green light for U+I’s massive Greenwich riverside development
Designed by architecture practice OMA for developer U+I, Morden Wharf promises to deliver 1,500 new homes on Greenwich Peninsula, as well as a four-acre public park, a Thames-side beach, brewery, a public…
Prime market accounting for 12% of London sales
3,381 £1m-plus resi sales were lodged with the Land Registry in the capital during H1, with 117 breaching the £5m mark.