Location: International
City Hall recruits Hammersmith planning chief for top housebuilding role
Juliemma McLoughlin to join the Greater London Authority as Assistant Planning Director
Record number of landlords buying in cash
'On average landlords sell a home once every 17 years meaning as prices have increased, a significant amount of wealth has built up in the sector'
Northacre to redevelop former Chelsea Police Station site
Luxury specialist brought in to work its magic on former Met Police site between South Ken and Sloane Square; promises 'remarkable new boutique offering'
Carrington on Q4
Thoughts on taxation, globalisation and estate agency commission from the LonRes chief
Christie’s lands in the Algarve
International real estate network ventures into Portugal's "golden triangle"
Trump’s diplomacy could mean more investment for London and UK property
"London can only benefit" from America's stowing of the welcome mat for Middle Eastern and Chinese investors
How the Brexit vote was ‘a surprise lifeline’ for PCL’s property market
Sterling's decline after the referendum result was behind a 16% jump in PCL transactions, says Carter Jonas
UK house price growth likely to slow to 3.5% in 2017
London will pick up in the second half of the year, says Lancaster University's Housing Market Observatory
Val d’Isere ski resort gets a major €200m upgrade
Five-year regeneration programme will pimp Le Coin area with new hotels, facilities and residences
Savills builds Italian presence with Roman agency tie-up
Beliving becomes a Savills international associate
Berkeley & Knight Frank named top UK real estate brands by Chinese luxury consumers
Annual Hurun report surveys the impact high-end UK brands are having in China
London buying agency ‘saves clients £40m on property purchases’
Black Brick hits ten-year milestone; adds up total discount negotiated on behalf of buyers