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‘Legacy unicorn property’ on St Barts offered for sale at $80m
An enormous and lavish Caribbean villa near Eden Rock Hotel in UHNW hotspot Saint Barthélemy is being offered for sale, asking US$80 million (c.£57.8m).
PCL has ‘turned into a landlord’s market in recent weeks’, as tenant demand surges by 73%
A top estate agency has reported the highest number of new prospective tenant registrations in five years - topping previous records set in June and July this year.
Heatmapped: ‘Staggering’ regional price growth slackens off
Some of the heat has come out of the UK's regional markets in the wake of June's stamp duty deadline, but prices 'remain resilient in the round', reports Acadata.
Weekly Showcase: Ten featured prime resi listings
PrimeResi’s regular stock check, powered by LonRes
In Pictures: Five of 2021’s best private client architecture projects
RIBA's national award winners for 2021 showcase 54 of Britain's best new architecture projects - including these five remarkable private homes...
Once pitched at $500m, Bel Air spec ultra-mansion reportedly in receivership
Nile Niami's 100,000 sq ft private palace project, "The One", has reportedly gone into receivership.
Why buying property with land is not as simple as it sounds
The series Clarkson's Farm highlights why a ‘how difficult can it be’ attitude is generally to be avoided when considering rural homes with substantial acreage, advises Nick Cunningham...
RICS bosses step down after damning Levitt Review
CEO Sean Tompkins, President Kath Fontana and others have stepped down from the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, as an independent review talks of a "disaster waiting to happen", recommending RICS…
AUS$100m Sydney penthouse ‘competes with the best homes in the world’
The 9,149 square foot duplex at the One Barangaroo scheme is expected to achieve one of the highest prices ever seen in the Australian market.
London landlords ‘in the driving seat’ as rental supply plunges 58%
Chestertons has seen tenant demand soar by 55% over the last year, while the number of properties available to rent has plunged by 58%.
Regional town & city markets shine as buyers seek out ‘best of both worlds’
The race for space is evolving - but where are buyers choosing now, and what are they getting for their money?
Stamp Duty holiday should not have been extended, says RICS
“We would urge the Government to undertake a full-scale review of the current stamp duty land tax system," says the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.