
Informed, opinionated & entertaining.

PrimeResi’s contributors include some of the most respected & successful operators in today’s luxury property sector.

Geoff Meen,

Professor Emeritus in Economics, University of Reading

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Kenneth Gibb,

Professor of Housing Economics & Director, UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence at the University of Glasgow; contributor, PrimeResi

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Martin Farr,

Senior Lecturer in Modern and Contemporary British History, Newcastle University,

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Nick Hancock,

Director, DM Hall

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Rowland Atkinson,

Professor & Research Chair in Inclusive Societies, University of Sheffield

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Trevor Morriss,

Principal, Tenn Capital

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Andrew Deverell-Smith,

Founder and Global CEO,

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Carina Wentzel,

Solicitor, Russell-Cooke

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Emily Wright,

Senior Associate, Cripps Pemberton Greenish

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Helena Luckhurst,

Partner, Fladgate

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Jan Ambrose,

Editor, Residential Section, RICS

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Michelle Martinborough,

COO of Bahamas Realty, Luxury Portfolio International

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