Company Tag: Glentree

'Excess supply will be slowly absorbed and this could possibly herald the low point in the market, with only an upward direction in values as the next predictable change'

What the luxury property sector thinks about the abolition of letting agency fees, more money for housebuilding and infrastructure, and no changes to stamp duty

'Since the USA and the UK have aligned economic models, if the former enjoys greater growth, this will have a contagion effect on the latter'

Worry not, says Glentree boss

'We are a proud, successful nation so let's think and act like one'

Is it any wonder London's homeowners are looking below ground for extra space? Rather than interfering, councils should follow Westminster's lead and charge fully for consents, argues Trevor Abrahmsohn…

Legendary agency boss explains why his firm's full-service approach delivers results

As new figures reveal the shocking extent of application delays, Trevor Abrahmsohn pleads with the new housing minister to sort out the UK's chaotic local authority planning departments and start appr…

In a universally-expected move, the Bank of England has halved the Base Rate to an historic low of just 0.25% and renewed some quantitative easing. The BoE's interest rate had been at an already low 0

As we learned this week, home ownership is tumbling across the UK - the last Conservative regime has a lot to answer for, says Trevor Abrahmsohn...

Our new Chancellor needs to signal to the international community that the UK is open for business, says Trevor Abrahmsohn...

There's been a noticeable increase in the number of international buyers and more deals are being done than you would expect at this time of year, says Trevor Abrahmsohn - the second week of September w…