
House of Commons vote delivers no clarity on Brexit; uncertainty is the property market's 'new normal' says top-end estate agent

Tenant Fee Bill passes its final stage in the House of Lords and will come into force on June 1st 2019

New timetable draws ire from MPs and anti-corruption campaigners

A consultation has been launched to look at ways of improving the Community Infrastructure Levy to speed up housing delivery

All of Dame Hackitt's post-Grenfell building safety recommendations will be implemented, says James Brokenshire

Credit Suisse suggests super-wealthy clients should start getting their ducks in a row ahead of PM May's rescheduled vote to leave the EU in January

Top estate agent bullishly predicts that "normal transmission will return to the residential property market in the New Year"

Government slammed for 'trying to legislate by press release' after backtracking on surprise suspension of Tier 1 investor visas

Little-known system offers a 'once in a generation opportunity' to rethink how property is owned in England and Wales and should be reinvigorated, says independent legal reform body

'There are nearly as many rooms available to rent night-by-night in Edgware Road's Park West building as there are in the Ritz', says council as it cracks down on those flounting short-term letting rules…

A recent survey indicates that boosting the supply of housing is the number one priority for elected city leaders around the country

Corruption crackdown brings halt on all new applications for Tier 1 investor visas, which require assets of £2m or more