French Lessons: Wealth tax woes continue in Paris
The punitive tax regime put in place by the French government has had a dramatic effect on the country’s housing market.
The Housing Standards Review: What can developers expect?
In a drive to simplify the myriad of standards, guidance and codes that apply to the construction of new homes in the UK, the government announced in March that current housing standards are to be reduced…
Which UK Government has overseen the biggest house price rises?
With May 2015 already looming large, one agency has been looking into how the country's house prices have historically fared under Labour and Tory reign.
Interest Wait: Why Carney should hold off the brakes
The Governor should resist pulling the lever until much further down the track, says Trevor Abrahmsohn...
When Mr.
Landlords and lettings agents left confused by immigration check guidance
Home Office guidance on immigration checks (which was issued, withdrawn, and re-issued without change in the space of 24 hours) will lead to yet more confusion for landlords, says Carter Jonas’ Head…
Tough love for Candy’s Sugar Quay S106 plea
Planners are "sticking to their guns" over a £15m affordable housing contribution requirement for Candy & Candy's Foster + Partners-designed Sugar Quay development next door to the Tower of London.
The ‘Poor Door’ Debate: Do separate entrances make practical sense?
There are clearly issues surrounding how affordable housing is delivered in the capital, but the tone of this 'poor door' debate risks throwing the baby out with the bathwater, says real estate lawyer Edward…
Why 2015 could make or break the UK’s property market
For homeowners - especially those in the South East and London - it has never been more important who wins the next general election, says Trevor Abrahmsohn...
Office-to-resi rights to get permanent footing
Brandon Lewis, the new housing and planning minister, has unveiled a set of "radical reforms" for the planning system.
Fight the Slab: Why our stamp duty system needs an urgent overhaul
A revamp of the UK's archaic SDLT structure must be prioritised ahead of next year's general election says Edo Mapelli Mozzi...
Institutional property investors get CGT exemption
The Government's consultation into the "significant reform" of the Capital Gains Tax system, which looked out at how far non-resident property buyers will be hit, concluded last week.
Listed Property Owners go lobbying
The Listed Property Owners’ Club (LPOC) is upping the ante in its bid for better terms - mainly cut-price VAT on building repairs - for owners of listed homes.