The Market
Buyers circle €300m Grand Marnier mansion in Saint Jean Cap Ferrat
Villa les Cèdres in Saint Jean Cap Ferrat has been put up for sale
Landlording It: Why the central London rental sector is set to explode
Whichever way you look at London’s housing market, one thing is certain: we are facing an explosion in the central London rental sector that will come as a windfall for landlords, says Tim Hassell...
Upsizers ‘in for a welcome surprise’ as London property’s ‘V-shaped dip’ promises a fast recovery
Property prices plummeted in Q2, but a leading London estate agency has declared that recovery from this two-year "V-shaped" dip is going to be swift.
Vancouver brings in 15% non-resident tax to put the brakes on the property market
The British Columbia Government in Canada has rubber-stamped a 15% levy on foreign buyers of Vancouver property, in a bid to thwart spiralling house prices - but it's given the industry just eight days'…
The Rain in Spain: European decision bad news for holiday home owners
Owners to sacrifice the money they unfairly paid on their mortgages to bailout the country's ailing banks
Essential Living appoints agents on landmark PRS scheme
17-storey Vantage Point development in Archway
Theresa May ‘likely to preside over a static London property market’
"There's one thing the Prime Minister can't control," says Stirling Ackroyd boss Andrew Bridges: "London house prices.
What effect will Brexit have on residential property development?
Everyone knows that there are choppy times ahead for the British economy, as uncertainty over just what Brexit means continues until terms sheets are drawn up with the rest of Europe and the world.
UK auction market takes a hammering
Data from the UK's auction houses has shown how the market retracted during the upheaval of the last few weeks.
Eaton Square development project goes crowdfunding for £1m
Renovation project on Belgravia's ultra-exclusive Eaton Square
Chinese buyer enquiries ‘up 30-40%’ post-Brexit
No 1 Chinese property portal has also sent in some useful post-Brexit observations.
‘Busiest month yet’ for Northacre as overseas buyers eye London’s super-prime stock
Surge of enquiries in its flagship No. 1 Palace Street scheme since the Brexit vote