The Market

All but one of the country's 50 most expensive streets are in the South East of England, says Lloyds Bank

Historic England has decided to update its advice on the planning and design of tall buildings after of a surge of new applications in the capital.

Although 2015 may not go down as a vintage year in the country market, a number of extraordinary properties still changed hands behind the scenes. Her

The number of properties on surveyor’s books reached a new low in November, says the RICS, as prices continue to rise at a "firm pace" and transaction levels stay flat.

If the government was hoping to put a stop to wealthy foreigners investing in the UK, then raising the minimum threshold on investor visas from £1m to £2m may have just done the trick.

For developers, changes announced in November's Spending Review signal a huge opportunity. W

One of Greenwich’s biggest private houses has just been sold after hitting the market for a record £3.75m.

Prospective buyers at Battersea Power Station are being invited to take an "immersive" interactive journey into the future and see how the finished project will actually look.

City Fringe, the collective name for the vast swathe of East London taking in places like Shoreditch, Clerkenwell and Wapping, has emerged as one of the capital's hottest property markets in recent yea…

Former home of the Earl of Suffolk relaunched as a "try before you buy" opportunity

Online agent eMoov has used some of the cash raised from the biggest prop-tech crowdfund in history to beef up its team sheet.

Just days after the boss of Berkeley Group warned of 'unintended consequences', the CEO of Galliard Homes - London's second biggest housebuilder - has also come out swinging against the Chancellor's lat…