The Market

It's been reported that a monumental château outside Paris has just sold for $301m (about £200m), which would effectively smash the current world record.

Benham & Reeves has reported a wave of landlords approaching the firm about putting their property portfolio into a limited company in the wake of double whammy changes to mortgage relief and stamp duty.

The biggest planning fine in history has reportedly been handed down to a private developer after a six-storey block of flats went up in Hoxton without permission

Despite sitting on a giant war chest of institutional investment, the Build to Rent sector is finding it practically impossible to acquire suitable sites at the moment. Ha

The new 3% stamp duty surcharge on second homes and buy-to-lets "would be the equivalent to 11 months income for the average mortgaged landlord" says Countrywide Plc

A law firm has warned of a "shocking" lack of knowledge about how leases work and the consequences of failing to extend, after carrying out a major survey of UK property owners.

One of the last undeveloped plots on Miami Beach has just been sold for an incredible $38.5m (£25.3m).

This handy top-line comparison of the capital's key neighbourhoods deserves to be made into some kind of poster.

Tower Hamlets and Hackney have dealt Hammerson and Ballymore's controversial Bishopsgate Goodsyard scheme a hefty one-two by simultaneously rejecting the latest proposals.

Rightmove's latest monthly check has shown a 1.1% dip in the asking prices of new properties being listed across England & Wales, the lowest December fall seen since 2006.

The "large volume" of new-build stock currently flowing onto the off-plan sales market in London could turn into a flood next year, according to Cluttons.

New York, London and Hong Kong are the most expensive locations for construction in the world, with cost premiums of between 40% and 60% compared with many European cities, and a "severe construction …