The Market

"Toxic air" in city centres could affect property values (and health)

House prices in the South Hams in Devon have fallen by 7.7% in the last year

150-year-old agency says the technology underlying the cryptocurrency could enable the ownership of property to be changed 'close to instantaneously'

Proportion approaches record low as focus shifts to the regions

Those who sold up in 2014 saw their money go the furthest, when just 350 square feet in PCL afforded a proper detached house in Surrey...

Achieved £psf by area during Q1 2017, along with the proportion of new-build sales over the last 12 months...

'People will be happier to invest if sentiment is good'

New instruction numbers continue to fall as demand stagnates

Total number was down by a third in RBKC last year after the introduction of tough new planning rules...

'The resilience of the London market can be compared to a heavyweight boxing match'

Prices holding up as vendors sit it out...

Nearly half of properties reduced in price before letting in the first three months of the year...