The Market
Swimming through treacle: Why 2018 was a year of sweet deals in a sticky country house market
Some tremendous country properties have been secured well below the initial guide price this year, writes Jamie Freeman of Haringtons, but it's been very hard work for those tasked with the job of finding…
Government cuts security deposit cap for rentals under £50k pa
Rental properties charging less than £50,000 per year can now only claim five weeks' rent as a security deposit
Q3’s transaction tally was 4% lower than last year – and nearly 9% lower than in 2015
“HMRC Stamp Duty statistics do not paint a rosy picture of the UK housing market," says London Central Portfolio's Naomi Heaton, "with neither the buyer nor the Exchequer winning out"
National Parks command a 47% property price premium
Buying a home in a national park costs an extra £121,000, according to Lloyds Bank
Luxury new-builds are shaping ‘prime property hotspots of the future’
17% of £1m+ sales across England & Wales are new-builds, according to Investec Private Bank, which argues that "new-builds are redefining UK prime property sales trends," driving demand for prime homes…
Government proposes new rules on biodiversity net gain
Consultation launched on mandating biodiversity net gain in resi development 'to ensure habitats are protected and enhanced for the future'
‘Boomerang’ landlords return to Prime London’s lettings market
Knight Frank explains a big shift in the proportion of rental instructions across the prime postcodes
Knight Frank predicts positive price growth for prime markets in 2019, but mainstream house prices are set to fall
Mainstream UK house prices are likely to be 10.3% higher by the end of 2023, says KF, while Prime Central London is set to slightly outperform, rising by 13.7%
Government bans combustible materials on high-rise homes – giving councils powers to strip private buildings
Local authorities to carry out "emergency remediation work" on residential buildings over 18 metres.
Ranked: Britain’s top renovation hotspots
Zoopla has looked into which locations in Britain and in London have the highest proportion of fixer-upper properties on the market
Rents rocket at Battersea Power Station
Average weekly rents for one-bed apartments in the Power Station development have surged by some 17% since the start of the year, reports Benham & Reeves Residential Lettings
BoE paints gloomy picture of no-deal scenario, with house prices plunging by nearly a third
UK could face worst economic slump since WWII in the event of a 'disorderly' no-deal scenario, according to the Bank of England's latest analysis;