
The International Monetary Fund's House Prices at Risk tool is designed to flag property markets at risk of significant price drops at least a year before the market turns

Professors Colin Jones and Abdulkader Mostafa of Heriot-Watt University and Edinburgh Business School have explored the bottom-line implications of buying a home rather than renting.

Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea provided nearly three-quarters (73%) of all receipts from the Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings in 2017-18

Demand is building in prime regional and prime London markets, says Savills, but prices continue to fall as uncertainty 'dictates the pace'

The number of office-to-residential conversions in London has fallen by more than 50%, says Knight Frank, driving a  20% reduction in net additional dwellings.

Jonathan Silver of the University of Sheffield and Alan Wiig of the University of Massachusetts Boston explore how China's vast "Belt & Road" investment initiative is transforming neighbourhoods around…

At the end of last year, fund manager-turned-buying agent Fraser Slater set out ten reasons why he expects Q1 2019 to mark the low point of the Prime Central London property market;

The average value of a home rocketed by 100% within five years of 1974, 1980, 1989 and 2004; it took 16 years for the same growth to be recorded to the end of 2018.

'The latest near-term indicators of housing market activity point to a significant weakening', warns the Office for Budget Responsibility, as it anticipates falling property prices and transaction numbers…

"Hard Brexit, no Brexit, Brexit-lite: whatever the outcome, London will remain the leading global wealth centre in 2019.

The Economist Intelligence Unit identifies and assesses the ten most pressing risks to the global political and economic order.

'Owning a home with a mortgage now more affordable than 10 years ago', according to mortgage firm Private Finance, despite house prices soaring by 29%.