A delicate balancing act: Lucian Cook presents the case for Stamp Duty reform
There's been a lot of talk about Stamp Duty switches and tinkering in recent weeks - amped-up by some mixed-messaging from the Chancellor over the weekend.
Mayor Khan shapes up for a battle with London’s landlords
Joanne Young looks at the potentially serious implications of Sadiq Khan's 'Blueprint' for reforming the London rental market, and explains why the plan won't provide the solution to the capital's housing…
The Homemover Wave: Understanding consumer behaviour during the moving process
The UK's homemovers spend an extraordinary £12bn each year on consumer goods whilst going through the process, according to new research by TwentyCi;
Survey highlights public concern over housing
“The housing crisis is an economic, social and human catastrophe," says the Chartered Institute of Housing. "But it can be solved"
HMRC: 6,000 HNWI have left Britain
Latest government data shows a 13% fall in the number of individuals claiming non-domiciled taxpayer status in the UK, with top advisors citing Corbyn and Brexit as key factors...
Cutting Stamp Duty ‘could boost transactions by 40% and tax revenues by £9.8bn’
According to buying agency Ludgrove's workings, a 36% reduction in Stamp Duty rates across the board would likely lead to 40% additional transactions in England per annum, in turn generating an extra £1.
Carrington on Q2: It does seem that the tax rate in the popular Laffer Curve has now been breached
Successive parliaments have fiddled with stamp duty 14 times since 1995, but the right balance is yet to be struck, writes LonRes Chairman William Carrington
Bloomberg: UK builders see Brexit crisis when foreign labour disappears
Britain's construction industry "will lose access to the lifeblood of its workforce" as a result of leaving the EU, warns Bloomberg journalist Olivia Konotey
SDLT revenues drop as £1m+ sales tumble
Stamp Duty generated 6% less for the Government's coffers in Q2 2019 than in Q2 2018, largely as a result of a 12% fall in £1m+ transactions...
PwC forecasts ‘sluggish’ property price growth for the UK
UK house prices are likely to rise by a 'sluggish' 1% this year, predicts consultancy firm PwC, 'implying a 1% decline in real terms'
No-deal Brexit could knock 10% off house prices – OBR
Government's independent forecasting body suggests prices and transactions could tumble in the event of a no-deal departure on 31st October...
‘There is a relatively high risk that the UK will experience a recession in the next few years’
Britain's recession-risk has reached a ten-year high, warns The Resolution Foundation; levels last seen in 2007, just before the global financial crash...