Tom Bill: London rental supply stays tight as legal changes loom for landlords
The Rental Reform Bill 'may be the final straw for some landlords,' warns Knight Frank's research chief.
Tom Bill: Prime London’s sales market proves resilient as supply builds
Buyer demand is running a third above the five-year average in prime London, says Knight Frank's research head, while the supply of homes available to buy is up 16%.
Estate agents highlight ‘challenging landscape’ as more deals fall through
43% of estate agents believe a property market recovery will come next year; 29% believe it will happen in 2023, while 28% don’t believe it will happen in the near future.
‘This unusual age of massive rises of house prices may be nearing an end’, says top economist
Key drivers including WFH and higher interest rates will likely lead to weaker house price growth over the coming decades, according to the OBR's David Miles.
The world’s billionaire headcount fell 5% in 2022
Knight Frank expects the global UHNW population to expand by 28.
Interest rates may be topping out but ‘two-thirds of Britain’s mortgage-rising pain is still to come’
Think tank warns that higher interest rates have yet to affect the majority of mortgaged households, and this year will be 'particularly bruising' for many homeowners.
Taking the long view: Why the right property is more important than the right timing
Prime property consultancy Middleton Advisors has teamed up with real estate researcher Yolande Barnes to consider a dilemma facing some current buyers: Is now a good time to buy?
Property industry reactions: Interest rates rise to 4.5%
The Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee has raised the base rate of interest again, by 0.25% to 4.5%.
The morning after the night before: How resilient has the prime housing market been to a change in the cost of mortgage debt & other drivers of demand?
A period of 'intoxicating exuberance' at the top of the property market has given way to 'much greater sobriety when it comes to pricing,' says Savills' research chief - but this market come-down 'has…
‘Generational divide’ widens as UK housing wealth held by over-65s hits record high of over £2.6 trillion
'The generational divide in housing wealth sits at the heart of a lot of the tensions around housing, and how these older home owners elect to deploy their equity has the potential to shape the market…
Currency Matters: Timing is everything, but the message is still the same
The only real difference between financial markets and real estate is liquidity, explains David Huggett.
10 Years of ATED: On the past, present & future of the Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings
Law firm Burges Salmon looks back at how the Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED) has evolved and affected the property market since being introduced in 2013, and considers what may lie ahead for the…