
Weak UK housing market data in October is not a reliable indicator for what comes next.

Savills has updated its five-year property market forecasts, predicting price drops in all regions and sectors in 2023.

Only a few nations saw their UHNW population fall last year; the UK was one of them - but Credit Suisse expects the number of dollar millionaires in Britain to surge by nearly two-thirds by 2026, well…

The UK's base rate of interest has jumped by 0.75% in the biggest single rise since the 1980s.

The harsh reality of rising inflation and interest rates mean the Goldilocks era is over, writes James Wyatt.

House prices crashes have been rare in the UK, says JLL's research chief, Marcus Dixon - and average prices have never slumped by more than 20%.

'How far the new PM can wind back the clock is a significant question for the UK housing market.'

Major mortgage lender is focusing on 'slightly better-off customers', as it sets out an array of property price forecast scenarios.

On the ground, the impact of the recent political chaos is still far from clear, report buying specialists Richard & Sophie Rogerson...

The likelihood of a severe real estate slump is lower now than at the time of the Global Financial Crisis, but a significant drop in residential investment is 'plausible' next year, says Oxford Economics

Prime property prices 'may not be as overheated as they are looking in some mortgage-reliant mainstream markets,' argues former Savills research chief Yolande Barnes, in some new analysis commissioned…

This is a time of maximum gloom, writes Property Vision's Charlie Ellingworth, but property markets are nuanced - and there is no one size fits all...