Government’s new ‘Tax Day’ brings a raft of policy consultations – but nothing major on CGT or Stamp Duty
HM Treasury has published a suite of some 30 consultation documents and policy proposals that are "designed to enhance the stability and effectiveness of the UK tax system by outlining a future pathway…
What would a CGT hike mean for buy-to-let landlords & second homeowners?
“The proposed changes from the Office of Tax Simplifications would act as nothing more than another nail in the coffin of the buy-to-let sector, in particular," says estate agency Benham and Reeves.
Hilltop plans to deploy ‘up to £300m’ on resi development projects in the next three years
Development finance firm Hilltop has secured major US backing for residential construction investments in the UK.
Required Reading: The Budget 2021 for HNWIs & business owners
The team at law firm Mishcon de Reya has trawled through HM Treasury's Budget documents to come up with this digest of the key points for business owners and wealthy individuals...
Budget 2021: Stamp Duty holiday extended to September
As expected, Chancellor Sunak has extended the Stamp Duty holiday for a few months, taking a sensible (albeit steep) tapered approach to avoid the hard cut-off that's caused so much angst over the last…
Wilben project pushes CapitalRise to £100m+ lending landmark
EXCLUSIVE: A project by Wilben Developments in Chelsea has taken luxury property finance platform CapitalRise to a lending milestone.
Chancellor for the Day: What would prime resi insiders do to sort out property taxation?
We asked a selection of prime residential property insiders what they would do if they were installed as Chancellor of the Exchequer this week, and given a politically-free hand to make changes to England's…
Property tax reforms slated for post-Budget ‘Tax Day’
The Government is planning to publish a batch of consultations on tax reform on 23rd March, a few weeks after Rishi Sunak's main Budget speech on Wednesday.
Mortgage lending remains ‘relatively strong’
The number of mortgages for house purchases fell slightly from December to January, but is still well above numbers seen in the last decade.
Bloomberg: Swiss Wealth Tax rakes in cash as Covid stokes global debate
"Switzerland’s wealth tax offers a rare real-world example of how a levy on assets can work, just as such ideas gain traction elsewhere in the wake of the coronavirus crisis," writes Bloomberg journalist…
One in five HNWIs have been turned down for a mortgage
Around 18% of High Net Worth Individuals have been turned down for a mortgage in the last decade, reports Butterfield - 6% more than at this time last year.
BoE warns of negative interest rates to come
The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee has told lenders to prepare for negative interest rates in six months' time.