Sara is a researcher, designer and educator, her work spanning interaction design, interior design and physical computing. She is currently a PhD student and an HCI researcher at Open Lab, Newcastle University, where her work centers around Ubiquitous Environments from the lens of Architecture and Interior Design. Driven by a vision where the future interior designs would no longer have to be static, Sara is investigating ways we could potentially design and build interiors that are context-aware, dynamic, changeable and `living'; responding to our implicit and intuitive interactions to meet our needs, support our well-being and improve the quality of living. Sara's current research is about novel interfaces that are soft, flexible and dynamic, with a particular focus on building OUIs (Organic User Interfaces). She is interested in how we can embed interior spaces with interactivity using soft electronics, e-textiles and smart materials that are malleable, shape-changing or colour-changing. And studying how will people perceive, interact and live with interactive interior spaces.