London & the South East are Britain’s ‘landlord hotspots’
City of London, Kensington & Chelsea, and Richmond have the highest proportion of landlords to general population in the country.
Over a third of property pros intend to quit the sector within five years, claims report
'If this survey was a school report, firms would be dreading taking it home,' says Joe Pepper, CEO of TM Group.
Ranked: Where homes sell for 20% more than asking, on average
New research has identified which postcodes tend to have the most wayward property asking prices - with several Prime Central London enclaves featuring.
Unrealistic price expectations tops list of estate agents’ concerns for vendors in 2023
Propertymark has flagged the big threats and opportunities facing estate agents and the property market in the year ahead...
‘It’s a cash buyers’ market’: Rising mortgage costs boost cash buyers
Hamptons has noticed a significant increase in the proportion of mortgage-free home-buyers so far this year, while Jackson-Stops has identified where cash buyers are making the biggest savings.
Ranked: The ten ‘most prominent’ estate agency brands in Britain
One prime estate agency has listed properties for sale in more than half of the nation's postcodes in the last six months, significantly out-covering any other brick-and-mortar firm.
Ranked: The most competitive areas to be an estate agent
Canary Wharf, Westminster and Bayswater have more estate agencies registered than any other UK areas, with hundreds of branches vying for instructions and deals...
UHNW Attitudes in 2023: Ten key insights from top wealth managers
Four in ten ultra-high-net-worth individuals grew their wealth in 2022, according to Knight Frank's latest research, despite a year of ‘Permacrisis’.
Only one in six landlords plan to increase their portfolio in 2023
Property investor confidence 'remains robust, despite the government’s best efforts', says a real estate lender.
Property portal search trends return to pre-pandemic patterns
Searches for homes for sale in London increased by 9% from 2021 to 2022, says Rightmove, while searches for Cornwall and Devon dropped by 18% and 17% respectively.
Ranked: London’s top boroughs for housing, sustainability & quality of life
CBRE's latest 'Hot 100' report compares and rates London boroughs according to ten different lifestyle, sustainability and property market metrics...
Ranked: Britain’s most expensive streets in 2022
Phillimore Gardens in Kensington and Grosvenor Square in Mayfair top this year's list of most expensive addresses to buy a home.