
Average per square foot values in global prime cities trickled up by just 0.7% in the last year, says Savills. This compares to an annual increase of 5.1% in the year to June 2018...

Planning and development activity in the capital has 'remained stoic' in the face of uncertainty, says Kinleigh Folkard & Hayward

There have been 17 different Housing Ministers in the last 20 years, but who delivered the most new homes?

The UK property market appears to be stabilising, says the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors

The world's wealthiest individuals lost 3% of their combined net worth in 2018; Britain's HNW set lost 6%

But sentiment remains 'fragile' as political uncertainty continues to put the brakes on prime residential property markets, says Savills

A £100 investment in PCL property in 1989 would now be worth £575, according to Knight Frank's sums, while the same stake in the FTSE 100 or Gold would be worth £351 and £338 respectively

83% of investors say it is either unlikely or very unlikely that they will sell their buy-to-let property within the next year, with the majority (58%) staying put for five years

'The difference in the cost of the top 1% of homes by region just might come as a surprise,' says Savills' research chief Lucian Cook

11.2% of the population owns more than one property, says the Resolution Foundation.

Knight Frank's Luxury Investment Index has out-paced the prime London property market for the last five years, as have the FTSE and Gold (albeit in more volatile fashion)

Knight Frank looks at the differential between the average prime property price and the top price achieved in ten global cities over the last five years