In Pictures

Berkeley Group division reports strong sales at its first scheme, a five-acre 955-unit project in Battersea

Developer unveils a dozen top-end top-floor apartments with a botanical bent

Grand Georgian office building has been converted into a lavish single residence by Trevor Osborne

Orchard Wharf is one of the developer's biggest projects yet

Stiff + Trevillion-design mixed-use scheme near Oxford Street will deliver 24 residential units

Details published of a £4m revamp for the public realm around Mayfair's Berkeley Square

Ambitious project reinstates elegant Victorian terrace destroyed by WW2 bombs

$840m scheme is Porsche Design's first foray into resi real estate development

Carlisle street office-to-residential revival project is thought to be the only private house in Soho with its own garden

AL.SK190 is over twice the height of Nelson's Column

International interest in 13,000 square foot Portland Place townhouse with planning for a resi conversion

First CGIs of Liverpool Waters unveiled at MIPIM, with plans to build over 1,000 new waterfront apartments