How rising private school fees are redrawing the country property map
Labour's move to introduce VAT is already having a knock-on effect on families' requirements and decision-making, reports buying agent Emma Seaton.
Lodha toasts ‘landmark’ year for super-prime Kensington scheme
Over 80% of first phase at Holland Park Gate now sold; recent flurry of high-end transactions included a £12.95mn show residence designed by Studio Lodha.
US & Middle East super-rich behind nearly half of £20mn+ London property deals
American & Gulf billionaires dominating PCL's trophy home market, with UK buyers making up just 10% of top-end deals, survey reveals
Tax & policy shifts to push prime rents up – Savills
But rental growth is likely to be much slower across Prime London and Regions in the next five years than in the five years just past.
Why London’s Golden Postcodes are still a safe bet for UHNW buyers in uncertain times
Fresh forecasts released this week have predicted another challenging year ahead for the PCL property market. Yet, as buying agent Toby Downes explains, the world's elite purchasers are thinking big-picture.
Governors, Chancellors & Second-Guessing: Lucian Cook on how the Budget changed the prime property market
Decisions made in Number 11 Downing Street have been felt 'particularly keenly' at the top of the housing market in 2024, says Lucian Cook, Head of Residential Research at Savills, as he reflects on a…
Lomond buys 60+ branch London agency KFH
'It's a big one,' says CEO Ed Phillips, as Lomond makes its first business acquisition under new backer ICG.
Prime Central London property prices likely to fall 4% next year, suggests Savills
Top-end residential markets are set to under-perform mainstream UK housing, says top consultancy.
Boutique luxury developers secure consent for ‘landmark’ Notting Hill scheme
Echlin & Bodker have been given the green light to create six luxury townhouses & two apartments on Lansdowne Walk.
American brokerage giant Compass set to buy @properties & Christie’s International Real Estate
'Game-changing partnership' promises to 'take the Christie’s International Real Estate network to unprecedented heights' while giving America's biggest brokerage a presence outside the US for the first…
Storm clouds & silver linings: Charlie Ellingworth on a return to normality
Everyone is a bit poorer and no one is that happy, but at least buyers & sellers can now get on with their lives, writes Property Vision's co-founder.
Super-rich buyers line up for Caudwell’s 1 Mayfair residences
£2bn Central London development tops out; claims world’s longest 'waiting list' of centi-millionaires & billionaires.