Editor’s Choice

Tie-up with design bible has delivered New York's 'most exceptional turnkey furnished residence to date'.

Italian super-brand Dolce & Gabbana has teamed up with developers to work on a trio of projects around the world.

Agency reveals how it is using AI to identify new leads in real time and get them 'to the right person at the right time'.

New research suggests improved transparency in the property market means 'Londongrad' is losing its appeal to corrupt money...

A recent Supreme Court case has shone a light on the oft-misunderstood world of finders fees and commission payments, with judges divided in their opinions despite a 'beautifully simple' set of facts

Talking legacy developments & top-end trends with the boss of Henigman & Rhodium.

The Kensington-based firm was founded by ex-Foxtons agents Geoff Wilford and Simon Welfare in 2011.

High-end new-builds accounted for more than two-thirds of sales in the iconic neighbourhood last year.

NEW: Anti-money laundering and compliance resources for the luxury property industry. Visit primeresi.com/resources/compliance-hub

Laterally-converted super-home on Cottesmore Gardens 'simply couldn’t be recreated these days'.

Required Reading: Mishcon de Reya provides an essential briefing on the key announcements in yesterday's Budget statement, highlighting 11 need-to-know policy and tax changes...

A 'missed opportunity' or is 'no action the best stance'? Here's what the property industry makes of Jeremy Hunt's latest round fiscal policy updates...