Location: United Kingdom

$12bn Lego-family fund anticipates Brexit "opportunities" for investment in London real estate

'Arguably the finest brand new house ever built in Oxshott'

Bouygues involvement to be "wound down" over the next few months

Finchatton's design team takes us on a tour of the firm's latest luxury interiors project in Knightsbridge

Survey infers that 7.5 million people are delaying moving home this year for one reason or another

Middle Eastern state already owns Harrods, the Olympic Village and 95% of the Shard

Grade 1 masterpiece to undergo £42m refurbishment programme after preservation trust saves the day

Simon Rose promises to 'bring back old-fashioned personal service'

"Protecting the unique character of Westminster, as well as the World Heritage Site, is absolutely paramount"

New instructions and prices holding up reports top buying agency