Location: Midlands
Rate of house price growth to slow next year – Hamptons International
Average house prices across England & Wales are expected to carry on growing over the next two years, but at a "subdued" pace, according to one of the UK's biggest estate agencies.
RICS doubles house price growth forecast for this year
The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors has amended its forecasts for this year to reflect higher price growth and lower transaction levels.
Rogers blames big house builders for housing shortage
"We need to challenge the monopoly of big house builders," trumpeted superstar architect Richard Rogers at the launch of his flatpack home product.
Rise Of The Super Home: Are London mega-mansions the new penthouses?
A mega mansion in the world’s most desirable capital city is the ultimate status symbol for the global elite, but unlike in many other countries, there are only a handful of truly palatial private…
London’s off-plan sales strategy is ‘likely to give way’ to a more owner-occupied model – BNP Paribas
London's property prices will be "around 80% ahead of the peak of the market prior to the financial crisis" by 2020, says BNP Paribas, although the top-end - above £5m - is "still set to decline in…
Offshore companies have bought-up £150bn of UK property in the last 15 years
Over £150bn-worth of UK property has been bought-up by offshore firms since 1999, according to new research by The Sunday Times.
Trading Places: UK landlords holding onto properties for 5 years longer post-recession
On average, UK landlords currently trade their properties every 17 years, compared to every 14 years for homeowners, according to some interesting new findings from the country's biggest estate agency.
Rising interest rates and a slowing global economy top property market risk list
Rising interest rates are the biggest threat to property price performance in the UK, says Knight Frank, as it charts the biggest risk factors to the market.
60% of London surveyors believe local property is ‘overpriced to some extent’
Buyer demand is continuing to rise while supply conditions "continue to tighten," says the RICS in its July Residential Market Survey.
Ex-Deverell Smith man launches Midlands recruitment firm
A top PCL recruitment consultant has decided to tap into the Midlands property market with his new venture.
Earl and Countess’ rescue of Dorset mansion shortlisted for top heritage award
A Neolithic tomb in Cornwall, a shell grotto on a Georgian estate in Dorset, a Victorian coffin works in Birmingham, a Sheffield steel workshop and a 14th century Norfolk church are just some of the heritage…
Regional Champions: Bath, Bristol, Cheltenham and Oxford outperform
Southern England's prime cities - Bath, Bristol, Cheltenham and Oxford - have been out-performing pretty much every other location, including London, over the last 12 months, as supply stays tight, more…