Location: London
As The Romans Did: Why have Britain’s first towns outperformed the UK average by 80%?
Originally built over 2,000 years ago, Britain's first towns have clearly still got it.
Ten new starters at TowerEight
String of project wins
‘Around one quarter’ of Countrywide’s network to offer hybrid services this year
Surprisingly strong half yearly report
Khan beefs up London devolution drive
Mayor Khan has tasked the London Finance Commission to bring forward a new, "beefed-up" set of devolution proposals to assert greater control over how the capital is run, including the making of key…
New sales boss at Cluttons Wapping
Matthew Stanway to run well-established sales team
Landlording It: Why the central London rental sector is set to explode
Whichever way you look at London’s housing market, one thing is certain: we are facing an explosion in the central London rental sector that will come as a windfall for landlords, says Tim Hassell...
Fruition gets green light for Putney air rights development
Four one- and two-bed penthouse apartments on top of an existing block in Putney
Upsizers ‘in for a welcome surprise’ as London property’s ‘V-shaped dip’ promises a fast recovery
Property prices plummeted in Q2, but a leading London estate agency has declared that recovery from this two-year "V-shaped" dip is going to be swift.
Grosvenor steps back from landmark Hyde Park Corner development
Has given its joint venture partner, The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Limited (HSH), 100% of the landmark Peninsula London development on Hyde Park Corner
The Rain in Spain: European decision bad news for holiday home owners
Owners to sacrifice the money they unfairly paid on their mortgages to bailout the country's ailing banks
Essential Living appoints agents on landmark PRS scheme
17-storey Vantage Point development in Archway
Theresa May ‘likely to preside over a static London property market’
"There's one thing the Prime Minister can't control," says Stirling Ackroyd boss Andrew Bridges: "London house prices.