Location: London
Luxury new-builds are shaping ‘prime property hotspots of the future’
17% of £1m+ sales across England & Wales are new-builds, according to Investec Private Bank, which argues that "new-builds are redefining UK prime property sales trends," driving demand for prime homes…
SP Property Group boosts property management team as its PCL portfolio breaches £1bn
Jo Eccles' firm now manages a central London rental portfolio worth over £1bn, and has also had a significant win for its block management offering, securing the building management gig for Lodha UK's…
EcoWorld & Invesco seal £400m BtR deal
Malaysian developer signals market leader ambitions with 'one of the most significant Build to Rent deals ever undertaken in the UK'
‘Boomerang’ landlords return to Prime London’s lettings market
Knight Frank explains a big shift in the proportion of rental instructions across the prime postcodes
Knight Frank predicts positive price growth for prime markets in 2019, but mainstream house prices are set to fall
Mainstream UK house prices are likely to be 10.3% higher by the end of 2023, says KF, while Prime Central London is set to slightly outperform, rising by 13.7%
Historic Mayfair mansion sells for £40m
EXCLUSIVE: Super-wealthy buyer shakes off Brexit jitters to splash out on Grade II listed Georgian gem
Developer launches a luxury property raffle platform, offering a £2m turn-key apartment in South Ken for £10 a ticket
London developer Gatsby Property is launching a new raffle platform, Cadivus, aimed at the prime residential market
Friday Showcase: Ten featured prime resi listings
A weekly stock check, powered by LonRes
Don’t Move, Improve! 2019: London’s best new home extensions
A tour of the 37 shortlisted projects for New London Architecture's annual home improvement design prize
Lodha UK goes it alone as Indian parent company gears up for IPO
Mumbai-based mega-developer to concentrate efforts on its business in India ahead of a planned public listing; reports suggest c.£470m could be raised from the sale of Prime Central London assets
Savills strengthens Mayfair & St James’s team
New recruit Nicholas Shaw spent seven years with Harrods Estates, before making a move over to Knight Frank
Grand Registry: Surveying last month’s biggest registered deals
Mega-mansion projects in Chelsea, St John's Wood and Virginia Water were among the most expensive transactions lodged with the Land Reg in October...