Location: London
The proportion of UK homes let by an overseas landlord has more than halved since 2010
Overseas landlords have exited the UK in their droves, says Hamptons International, as a harsher tax regime and additional costs lessen the appeal for many...
UK house prices are flatlining – LSL & Acadata
Annual change in house price growth now at its lowest level for seven years; market 'going nowhere fast'
£1.6bn Battersea Power Station mega-deal sealed
Record-breaking takeover by two Malaysian investors agreed after nearly a year
Buyer bags a £6m bargain in St John’s Wood
Unmod mansion on Queens Grove sells for £3m below its 2017 asking, at £1,900 psf
Deal sealed on £22.5m Hyde Park Gate mansion
'Unusually wide' townhouse picked up just a few weeks after hitting the market
Residential Architecture: The best & worst of 2018
The FT's Architecture Critic Edwin Heathcote looks back at a year in residential architecture, picking his top five design highlights of 2018
London house prices have another 10% to fall – Cluttons
Core Central London areas have already seen declines of 20-25%, says latest agency to predict the future
Savills acquires top East London property firm Currell
Currell offices and teams join Savills with immediate effect
Groveworld snaps up significant development site near King’s Cross
Developer plans to create a major mixed-use scheme with "a significant amount of new homes" on the old Royal National Throat, Nose & Ear Hospital site
Totting up the total spend tells the real story of London’s tumbling property market
Laurence Lai looks beyond the price fluctuations to show how the capital's once-booming property market has been reduced to a shadow of its former self...
Boutique agency reports £25m flurry of sales in north London
Arlington Residential tucks away a nice set of deals, including a house on Chester Place in Regent's Park, as Christmas serves up a welcome motivating factor
Chunky deals continue to go through in trend-bucking west London enclaves
£10m+ instructions on Phillimore Gardens and Clarendon Road join the long list of super-prime deals in a vintage year for Notting Hill and its environs