Location: International

Privacy, sustainability and technology are key factors - as is specialist independent advice

In Pictures: $68.5m 'neo-medieval' penthouse on Fifth Avenue

Mayfield unexpectedly offloads former Chelsea Police Station at 2 Lucan Place

New World Wealth rundown puts London up top with US$2.7 trillion

'This corner of the capital is leading the way in terms of regeneration, placemaking and creative industries'

Agency reports comparable sales figures to last year

'As we said in 2009, it will be the early bird which catches the very fat worm'

Three new leads in the North, East and South East of England

Spire London's Argent-designed marketing suite launches in the Docklands

Architectural novelties always generate interest, but finding the right buyer can take time...

Co-op and condominium sales down 15.3% during traditionally the busiest time of the year

Merging Countrywide estate agencies sleep out for a good cause