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Landlords face an ‘uphill battle’ to meet the government’s 2030 EPC target
Labour's plan to require all rental homes to achieve an EPC A-C rating by 2030 'is achievable at a stretch,' says Hamptons, but 'landlords need adequate time and resources to meet it.'
Larger homes see pace of rental growth ease
London's average monthly rent bill has risen by 3% in the last 12 months, while Northern regions have seen three-times that growth.
UK property market on a gradual, albeit uneven, recovery path – Acadata
Latest index shows prices are now just 1.3% lower than a year ago.
Rightmove sponsors primetime music show
Property portal makes a song & dance with its latest marketing push.
The View from France: Down but not out in Paris & London
'It sounds odd, but buyers expect a certain amount of craziness in Paris whether it’s a protest or Olympics controversy and investors seem unperturbed by the changes.'
Developer secures £6.3mn enfranchisement loan for Mayfair townhouse project
Funds secured from CapitalRise and Colliers will be used to acquire the freehold title of a mixed-use building on South Audley Street, with a view to creating a super-prime resi scheme.
Property developer becomes first corporate patron of the Royal Hospital Chelsea
London Square is supporting its new neighbour.
Weekly Showcase: Ten featured prime resi listings
PrimeResi's regular stock check, powered by LonRes
Boutique London estate agency becomes a B Corp
Achieving the ESG benchmark is increasingly vital in the age of social media, says House Collective.
Rightmove’s top earner replaced with high-society promotion
Ruaridh Hook will take over from Alison Dolan as the property portal Plc's Chief Financial Officer.
Luxury design studio expands after raft of project wins
OWN London's newly-bolstered team is currently working on trophy residences in PCL & a hotel in Mykonos.
US-style brokerage adds Devon specialist
Jonathan Mowday has joined Moveli from established SW agency Stags.