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New report debunks ‘land banking myth’, again
“None of our analysis suggests (at least outside of London) any systemic failure in converting planning permissions to development by the industry”, concludes planning consultancy Lichfields.
Tenants in ‘sprint for stock’ as London lettings market suddenly shifts
A tenant’s market has become a landlord’s market in the last six weeks, reports Knight Frank, as offices re-open and air traffic rises.
Residential property is attracting ‘more sophisticated investors’, says buying agency
"Activity in the residential investment sector is once again picking up", says buying agency Garrington, although the firm reports "a different profile" of buyer in the sector.
Agency lets portfolio of Embassy Gardens units in ‘record time’
UK Sotheby’s International Realty sourced tenants for 20 units at the high-profile Nine Elms development in 12 weeks.
Westminster revamps Hanover Square’s ‘green oasis’
Council completes the first in a series of public realm improvements for the north Mayfair square.
London’s royal borough price premium shrinks
The capital's three Royal Boroughs - Kensington & Chelsea, Kingston and Greenwich - have underperformed Greater London's average property price growth over the last five years.
Buyer sought for record-breaking Walpole Mayfair penthouse
Knight Frank has listed the marquee unit at Oliver Burns' award-winning 'project of passion' on Arlington Street.
Former John D Wood director takes over key Winkworth branch in west London
Jonny Dyson has teamed up with fellow agent Terence Long to acquire the Ealing & Acton office franchise, and the duo are planning to expand further...
Buyer Beware: On the exorbitant cost of building works
Brexit and Covid have utterly changed the landscape in terms of what it costs to renovate a property - but the marketplace remains massively underprepared and ill-informed, warns buying agent Guy Meacock……
RiverHomes floats a new look
Specialist London estate agency RiverHomes has refreshed its brand identity.
‘Once in a lifetime’ Scottish estate for sale for the first time in 539 years, asking £23m
A vast and historic Scottish estate in the Cairngorms National Park has come up for sale for the first time since it was bestowed to the Gordon family by King James III in 1482.
Treasury publishes draft Residential Property Developer Tax legislation
Proposed new tax rates targeting major housebuilders are due to bee confirmed in the Autumn Budget.